Dernières mise à jour :
2015-05-15 13:13:36
Auteur princpal :
Auteur secondaire(s) :

Titre :
Security measures for Web ETL processes
Conférence :
14th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science 2015
Mois :
Année :
Journal, revue, proceedings ... :
Pays :
Ville :
Type de publication :
Conférence intertnationale
Abstract :
Security aspects currently play a vital role in software systems. As security managers have to operate within limited budgets they also have to patch up the increasing number of software security vulnerabilities. They need to perform a risk evaluation in order to determine the priority of patching-up
vulnerabilities. The use of quantitative security assessment methods enables efficient prioritization of security efforts and investments to mitigate the discovered vulnerabilities and thus an opportunity to lower expected losses. Elsewhere, Extraction Transformation Load (ETL) processes, known as a core,
development of WeBhouse. Securing these processes is highly important and helps in mitigating security defects in decisional system. For this purposes, this paper adopts the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and proposes a Meta model for security measure in Web ETL processes enabling security manager to asset anticipated vulnerabilities.