Dernières mise à jour :
2015-04-20 13:12:01
Auteur princpal :
Auteur secondaire(s) :
- Kais Haddar

- Philippe Blache

Titre :
Enrichment of the Arabic treebank ATB with syntactic properties
Conférence :
16th international Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2015)
Mois :
Année :
Journal, revue, proceedings ... :
Pays :
Ville :
Type de publication :
Conférence intertnationale
Abstract :
The enrichment of Arabic treebank with syntactic properties provides the increase of its use in different applications, the acquisition of new linguistic resources and the alleviation of the probabilistic parsing process by using statistics to limit the properties to satisfied ones. This method of enrichment requires two steps to follow starting by inducting a Property Grammar from a source treebank and generating finally the new syntactic property-based representation.